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Central Hawke’s Bay is experiencing a surge of growth not seen since the 1960s, which creates increased demand for Council services and infrastructure. To ensure levels of service for all residents are maintained, development contributions are collected when new development occurs.
Development contributions are fees payable on developments and subdivisions. The fees pay for the additional demand new developments place on infrastructure (such as our water, sewer and stormwater networks) and services.
A development may be a new greenfields subdivision, an infill development, townhouses, or a project that creates additional commercial or industrial sites or buildings.
Contributions may also be required for conversions or extensions to existing buildings where they create new or additional uses. This could include converting one residence into two, or converting a residential building into a commercial office.
Any contribution payable is calculated under Council's Development Contributions Policy 2024.
Council adopted a new Development Contributions Policy to take immediate effect on 13 May 2021.
When developing the 2021–2031 Long Term Plan, Council identified a number of new projects related to growth, as the levels of asset management sophistication and other strategic planning reach levels never seen in the District before. The result of this has been a significant increase to development contributions in the 2021 policy, where the 2018 policy was silent on many growth aspects, including the district's wastewater plants, and had little/no provision for community facilities or open spaces.
Council consulted in March 2021 on the Development Contributions Policy Review as part of its 2021–2031 Long Term Plan, and specifically wrote to the development community of its intention to bring forward the effective date of the new policy from 1 July 2021 to 13 May 2021.
The policy is now in effect and applies for a range of activities outlined.
For more information or to find out whether a development contribution is required for your proposal and what the cost is likely to be, please contact our team anytime on 06 857 8060.
Development contributions are made up of a district-wide component (a set fee across the district) and specific area contributions. The fee may vary according to the location of the development.
Development contributions are not used to pay operational costs or parts of capital works that deal with infrastructure renewal and upgrades where the required level of service to the existing community is not being fulfilled.
Your project can be assessed at any of the following three stages:
An invoice can be requested and paid at any time. Payment must be made prior to:
A request in writing can be made to Council asking that the assessment of development contributions for a project be reviewed. Please include the new or supporting information that your request is based upon.
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© Central Hawke's Bay District Council - / +64 6 857 8060 /