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Planning and Resource ConsentsTono whakaaetanga rawa taiao

Resource consent is permission to carry out an activity on a particular site that may have an effect on the environment. These activities might include anything from creating a subdivision or discharging wastewater, to moving earth or erecting a sign.

Resource Consents

A resource consent is permission from Council for an activity that might affect the environment, and that isn’t allowed ‘as of right’ in the Central Hawkes Bay District Plan. Every day, people apply to their local council for resource consents to do things – put up a garage, subdivide their property, build a multi-storey apartment block etc. 

At present, we're operating under both the Operative District Plan and the Proposed District Plan (Appeals Version).

To get in touch with a duty planner please contact or call 06 857 8060


If you are thinking about buying some land or a business, building, or subdividing land you might need to get a resource consent so it's a good idea to talk to come in and chat with us first. Council staff can help you look through the relevant plans and work out whether you'll need a resource consent. If you do, then we will be able to advise how to go about talking with people who might be affected by your project and preparing an assessment of environmental effects. We may also recommend you to visit the Regional Council.

To make an appointment with a duty planner please contact or call 06 857 8060.

You might have heard of the requirement to get a resource consent under the RMA. This means that you want to do something that the District Plan doesn't allow as of right. When you apply for a resource consent the following information may be required:

  • A description of the proposal
  • The site description, including photos
  • An assessment of the environment effects your project may have
  • A description of the mitigation measures to be undertaken
  • Identification of persons interested in or affected by the proposal, consultation undertaken if any, and response to the views of those consulted

Lodging a Resource Consent Application

To lodge your resource consent application you will need to fill in the Application Form, provide a site plan, and supporting documents to A minimum fee will apply, this will need to be paid prior to the consent being processed by the council. Please check our Fees and Charges page for further information.

Applicants will be charged for the full processing time and expert input into all resource consents. The move towards recovering these costs will ensure that the true cost of issuing a resource consent will be covered by the applicant and reduces the reliance on ratepayer funding for this service. Charges may also be made to monitor your resource consent. 

Once your application has been submitted, part of the council’s decision-making is to determine whether to process the application as publicly notified, limited notified, or non-notified. 

  • Non-notified

The council may decide that the general public need not be involved if the adverse effects on the environment are no more than minor and there are no adversely affected persons (unless they have given their approval). Most resource consent applications fall into this category, which means there is no submission process.

Consent applications may also be non-notified if the applicant has consulted with any potentially affected persons before application, and received their written approval.

  • Limited notified 

If a council does not publicly notify an application, it must still decide if there are people who will be adversely affected by the activity to a degree that is at least ‘minor’, known as affected persons. The council must notify them of the application unless a rule in a district/regional plan or national environmental standard prevents this. Only those people will be served notice and can make a submission on the application.

  • Publicly notified 

This is generally when the council assesses if a proposal will have or is likely to have adverse effects on the environment that are more than minor. The council publishes its notice of proposal on the internet, and a summary in a newspaper available in the area likely to be affected. Anybody can make a submission on the proposal. Submitters can be for or against an activity, or be neutral but wanting to provide additional information. They can ask to be heard in support of their submission. Publicly notified applications usually involve a public hearing.

An application may also be publicly notified if the applicant requests it, if special circumstances exist, or if the district/regional plan or a national environmental standard says it must.

You can help to make sure your consent application is processed quickly if you:

  • Talk to the Council staff early on about what you want to do
  • Talk to people who you or the Council thinks might be affected by your proposal
  • Give the Council a well prepared assessment of the environmental effects
  • Respond quickly to requests for further information

Councils can decide to either grant or decline a resource consent. Usually when the council grant consents some conditions will apply. The council will also probably check that what you are doing is in line with your resource consent. This could mean that a council officer will visit the site, take some measurements or require you to monitor the activity. Councils also decide how long to grant resource consent for. Some consents (like subdivision) last forever, while others might only last for a specified timeframe (for example to operate a concert event).

If you're thinking about buying land or buildings it's worth asking the local city or district council for a Land Information Memorandum. This report will tell you what information the council has about that piece of land, including what the land can be used for under the district plan rules. If you want to check that an activity is okay under the council's plan you can ask the council for a certificate of compliance.

If you're doing something that requires a building consent, before your start building you can get a Project Information Memorandum which will also tell you if you need to apply for a resource consent.

Public Notifications of Resource Consent Applications

Publicly Notified Resource Consent Application   #Mangakuri

Central Hawke’s Bay District Council has received an application from SR & BJ Williams Charitable Trust Board for a resource consent to subdivide the property at 42 Okura Road, Mangakuri (being Lot 2 DP 481291) to create:

  • Eight rural lifestyle lots
  • Two balance lots
  • One lot to be amalgamated with Lot 1 DP 25627 for the purpose of a boundary adjustment

A copy of the full public notice and application documents are included below:

230016 Full Public Notice

Decision - Issued 09/09/2024 

Decision Cover Letter - Circulated 09/09/2024

Submission Update

Public submissions were open between 16/04/2024 – 15/05/2024
Twenty-four submissions were received

Enquiries about the resource consent or submission process can be made to CHBDC Planners at (06 857 8060 or via

Please see application and supporting documentation below:

Public Notification Report

Twenty four submissions were received.


Hearing Direction Circulated 31/05/2024.

Minute 1 Circulated 04/06/2024.

s37A(5) Extension - Circulated 06/09/2024

 s42a Planners Report
Technical Memorandums from:
Rebuttal Evidence 
Central Hawkes Bay District Council Statement
Original Application Documents Received 23 February 2023

 Revised Application 14 August 2023


 Applicants Evidence

Legal Submission - Synopsis of Opening Submission

Tabled Submission - Lawrence Yule

Summary Statement - Simon Gabrielle

Summary Statement - Rick Wentz

Summary Statement - L Yule

Summary Statement - T Bunny

Summary Statement - Philip McKay

Applicant right of reply

Submitter Statements



Publicly Notified Resource Consent Application   #punawaitairoad

Central Hawke’s Bay District Council has received an application from Paoanui Point Ltd for a resource consent to subdivide the property at 25 Punawaitai Road, Pourerere Beach (being Lot 1 DP 571994 & Lot 7 DP 571994; Lot 22 DP 571994 & Lot 2 DP 564721) into:

  • 48 allotments suitable for residential development plus balance lot
  • 3 lots for shared open space
  • 1 lot for stormwater detention and treatment
  • 2 lots for shared access

Enquiries about the resource consent or submission process can be made to CHBDC Planners at (06 857 8060 or via 

Public Notification and Hearing

The application was publicly notified on 22 September 2022. The closing date for submissions was 4pm, 20 October 2022.

A copy of the full public notice and application documents are included below:

RM 220003 - Full Public Notice

Six submissions were received.

The hearing occurred on Wednesday 12th and Thursday 13th of July 2023 commencing at 9am both days. The hearing was held in the Council Chamber of Central Hawke’s Bay District Council, 28-32 Ruataniwha Street, Waipawa.

RM 220003 – Hearing Notice

The following minutes and corresponding statements have been provided as part of the hearings process:

RM 220003 – Minute 1

RM 220003 - Minute 2

RM 220003 - Minute 3

RM 220003 - CIA Pages 61-64 only

RM 220003 - Minute 4

RM 220003 - Applicants Proposed Timetable

RM 220003 - Minute 5

RM220003 - Response from Applicant 

RM220003- Email Chain Referenced 

RM220003- Draft Minute 6


RM220003 - Minute 7 - Seeking Comment on Suspension

RM220003 - Minute 8

RM220003 - Applicants Closing Legal Submission

RM220003 - Conditions Proposed by Applicant (post hearing)

RM220003 - Memorandum of Counsel for Havelock Bluff Trust

RM220003 - Minute 9

RM220003 - Minute 10


A decision on the application was made on 22 February and circulated to the applicant and all submitters on 23 February.

RM22003 - Decision


Hearings Agenda



Hearings Statements

Applicant Statements











Council Officers





Submitters Statements





Submitters Evidence




Applicants Evidence

RM 220003 - Final Statement - Andy Hicks

RM 220003 - Final Statement - Chantal Whitby - Annexures

RM 220003 - Final Statement - Chantal Whitby

RM 220003 - Final Statement - Christine Foster

RM 220003 - Final Statement - David Dravitzki

RM 220003 - Final Statement - James Bridge

RM 220003 - Final Statement - Matheus Boaretto

RM 220003 - Final Statement - Son Nguyen

RM 220003 - Final Statement - Steve Goodman

RM 220003 - Final Statement - Steve Goodman - Annexure


Planning Officers Report and Technical Supporting Information

S42a Recommendation Report - Planning

Appendix 1 - Recommended Draft Conditions

Appendix 2 - Relevant Provisions 

Appendix 3 - Summary of Submissions

3 Waters - Technical Memorandum

Geotech and Hazards - Technical Memorandum

Transport - Technical Memorandum 

Landscape - Technical Memorandum

HPL Soils Assessment -Technical Memorandum 


Application Details

A resource consent application was received from James Paoanui Point Limited on 23/12/21 for a rural lifestyle subdivision located at the end of Punawaitai Rd, Pourerere. The proposal is to create 48 rural lots as an extension of the current resource RM180160A for 22 rural lifestyle sections.

Please see application and supporting documentation below:

RM 220003 - Assessment of Effects on the Environment

RM 220003 - District Plan Assessment

RM 220003 - Drawings

RM 220003 - Hazard Report

RM 220003 - Infrastructure Report

RM 220003 - Landscape Assessment

RM 220003 - PDP Objectives and Policies

RM 220003 - Site Plans

RM 220003 - Subdivision Plan

RM 220003 - Traffic Impact Assessment

RM 220003 -  Written Approval

A request for further information pursuant to Section 92 of the RMA was made. The response was received 18 August 2022. Please see the documentation below:

RM 220003 - Christine Fosters Response to s92 HPL

RM 220003 - Goodman Report 

RM 220003 - s92 Further Information Request Letter

RM 220003 - Response to Further information Request Letter

RM 220003 - 224 Application

RM 220003 - Evidence in Support of Application for Section 224 Certificate

RM 220003 - TA approvals Section 224

RM 220003 - Title Plan

RM 220003 - Record of Title 1037977

RM 220003 - Record of Title 1037998

RM 220003 - Land Covenant

RM 220003 - Registered Rules of Paoanui Management Society Incorporated

RM 220003 - Response to Questions 2, 15 and 16 of Further Information Request

RM 220003 - Fraser Thomas Engineers Answers to Further Information

RM 220003 - Fraser Thomas Engineers Onsite Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Report

RM 220003 - Written approval 20210514

RM 220003 - Written approval 20210816

RM 220003 - Response to Question 12

RM 220003 - HBRC Natural Wetlands

RM 220003 - Letter to HBRC RE Wetland Delineation

RM 220003 - Response to Question 13

RM 220003 - Wetlands Inventory Information

RM 220003 - Amendments to AEE

RM 220003 - LDE Revised Report

RM 220003 - Pourerere Landscape Assessment 20220805

RM 220003 - Plans

RM 220003 - Archaeological Assessment of Effects

We appreciate and recognise there is high community interest with this potential subdivision being one of a number of potential subdivisions that Council is currently processing.

Resource Consents Applications of Public Interest 


Central Hawke's Bay District Council - Copyright © 2024 Central Hawke's Bay District Council

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While every endeavour has been taken by the Central Hawke's Bay District Council to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up to date, Central Hawke's Bay District Council shall not be liable for any loss suffered through the use, directly or indirectly, of information on this website. Information contained has been assembled in good faith. Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant government agencies. Central Hawke's Bay District Council cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content. Portions of the information and material on this site, including data, pages, documents, online graphics and images are protected by copyright, unless specifically notified to the contrary. Externally sourced information or material is copyright to the respective provider.

© Central Hawke's Bay District Council - / +64 6 857 8060 /