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Proposed District Plan

Central Hawke's Bay District has changed and we are preparing a District Plan that reflects who we are today and our aspirations for the future. 

We started our District Plan review in 2018. We received a lot of feedback from the community and stakeholders on a Draft District Plan. That feedback helped us develop this Proposed District Plan for everyone to consider. It was publicly notified in May 2021, and Council received 123 submissions and 29 further submissions. 

Throughout 2022 we heard from submitters over seven different Hearing Streams based on topic groups (all information regarding the hearings can be found via the 'Hearings Portal'). The hearings have now been completed and the Hearings Panel gave its recommendations to the Council, who adopted their recommendations as its decision.  Decisions on matters raised in submissions and the Proposed District Plan were notified on 25 May 2023. The Hearings Panel Reports can be viewed here. An updated ‘decisions’ version of the Proposed District Plan can be viewed here.

The Proposed District Plan addresses the following five key messages:

  1. Providing for Sustainable Growth
  2. Protecting our Land Resources
  3. Differentiating Coastal Settlements and Rural Townships
  4. Recognising our Cultural Values and Heritage Areas
  5. Protecting our Unique Landscape

How to use the Proposed District Plan

Step 1: Check the Planning Maps

Check the planning maps to see which zone or zones apply to your property (e.g. GRUZ – General Rural Zone)

Then check the maps to see if there are any other overlays or features on your property. For example, your property could be in a Flood Hazard Area, or it could contain a heritage item.

Step 2: Find the Zone Rules

Look in Part 3 of the Proposed District Plan and find the zone chapter(s) that apply to your property.

Find the rule(s) in the zone chapter(s) that apply to the activity that you want to do.

Step 3: Find the District-wide rules

Look in Part 2 of the Proposed District Plan to find the District-wide chapter. Locate the rules in that chapter that would apply to your activity. More than one rule could apply, like TRAN – Transport rules, HH – Historical Heritage rules, NH – Natural Hazard rules, NFL – Natural Features and Landscapes rules, or NOISE – Noise rules.

Step 4: Check the Standards

See if your activity complies, or doesn’t comply, with the standards attached to each rule you’ve found (e.g. GRUZ-S5 is the standard for Setback from Neighbours, TRAN-S1 is the standard for Vehicle Parking).

Step 5: Assess

If your proposed activity complies with the relevant rules and standards then it is permitted.

If your proposed activity does not comply, you’ll need to apply for a Resource Consent (unless it is a prohibited activity). Look at the rules table in each of the zone chapters and in the District-wide chapter to see whether your application will be classed as Controlled, Restricted Discretionary, Discretionary, Non-Complying, or Prohibited.

Resource Consent applications will be considered under both the Operative District Plan and any relevant sections of the Proposed District Plan until the Proposed District Plan becomes fully Operative - when submissions, hearings, and appeals are finished. This is expected to take about two years. During this period, you should check both the Operative and the Proposed District Plans to fully understand the planning rules for the district.

Clause 16 Schedules to amend the Proposed District Plan

 11 September 2023 - Clause 16(2) schedule to decisions version of the Central Hawke's Bay Proposed District Plan

23 April 2024 - Clause 16(2) schedule to decisions version of the Central Hawke's Bay Proposed District Plan


Central Hawke's Bay District Council - Copyright © 2024 Central Hawke's Bay District Council

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While every endeavour has been taken by the Central Hawke's Bay District Council to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up to date, Central Hawke's Bay District Council shall not be liable for any loss suffered through the use, directly or indirectly, of information on this website. Information contained has been assembled in good faith. Some of the information available in this site is from the New Zealand Public domain and supplied by relevant government agencies. Central Hawke's Bay District Council cannot accept any liability for its accuracy or content. Portions of the information and material on this site, including data, pages, documents, online graphics and images are protected by copyright, unless specifically notified to the contrary. Externally sourced information or material is copyright to the respective provider.

© Central Hawke's Bay District Council - / +64 6 857 8060 /