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Building Consents on Categorised Land

A new Building Consent guidance document for Cyclone Gabrielle-affected properties has been created.

Prepared by Central Hawke’s Bay District Council, Hastings District Council and Napier City Council the document sets out the implications for consent applications for residential projects on land in categories 1, 2 and 3.

Council strongly recommends that property owners speak to council building officers before preparing an application. Email or phone (06) 857 8060 for more information.

You can view the document here.

Building Consents are being looked at in all areas and will be processed in accordance with the Building Act however consents in categories 2 and 3 may face significant challenges due to the risk to life whereas severe weather events cannot be mitigated. The guidance document is designed to help potential applicants understand how the Act impacts on consents for projects on properties in Land Categories 1, 2C, 2C*, 2P and 3.

It is expected that properties in category 2A will be recategorized and moved into one of the other categories following further assessment of risk to life and mitigation from severe storm events by Hawke’s Bay regional Council. In the meantime, building consents for those areas will be reviewed and applicants contacted to discuss the implications.

Not all work requires a consent. Schedule 1 of the building act refers to Building Consent exempt work. Examples of exempt building work are explained in a guidance document created by MBIE (found here Building work that does not require a building consent). If you are unsure contact our building recovery team on or (06) 857 8060.

Council needs to ensure that we make decisions that are fair and keep people safe. We expect that a considerable number of applications for projects on categorised land will need to be assessed by an independent panel, which will add to the processing time.

Council staff are working with industry professionals to create a similar guide for commercial properties. This will be published as soon as possible.


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